If you are interested in deepening your meditation practice and experiencing the Thai monastic lifestyle while making a meaningful contribution to the development of the community – look no further.
We are an internationally known place for meditation and Buddhism learning. Our center is part of the Foundation that has meditation and workshop centers throughout Thailand, Europe, and the United States. Our mission is world peace through inner peace. Our 8 acre (19 Rai) nature sanctuary is located on the north side of Koh Samui and has 98 guestrooms, community meditation, and eating areas, including our meditation and yoga tower overlooking the beautiful beaches of the Gulf of Thailand.
We can always use a helping hand here!
in the life of a volunteer may look like this:

There is a number of projects where immediate help is needed:
Digital media strategy implementation. We are looking for expertise in social media to provide support and content for our website, video editors, and content writers: writing/conceptualizing (conceptualizing ideas and content to produce), video/productions (the filming and creation of content), editing (assembly of the footage into branded videos for distribution), distribution (sharing produced content to all platforms and channels (such as Facebook, Spotify, YouTube, Instagram).
Outreach program: somebody who will work closely with the monks, including holding the onsite events, to increase the awareness about our center in the local community.
Organic farm: somebody who can build an organic farm from scratch. We have the land, tools, and some human resources, but we need the expertise to start. There is also a plan for a composting area.
Ongoing facilities maintenance (cleaning the rooms, common areas, etc.)
English classes
Yoga classes (certified teacher)
Holistic therapy sessions

5 am Morning meditation (optional)
6 am Alms collection with the monks (optional)
8 am Breakfast
9 am – 11am General maintenance projects. Typically, tasks requiring most physical effort are performed at this time. The tasks may include cleaning, repairs to water and electric infrastructure, paintings, gardening. Depending on the task, you will work with other volunteers or with the monks.
11:30 am – 12 pm Lunch. Note, the monks do not eat after 12 pm. However, you are welcome to have your meals at different times, should you choose to.
12 pm – 1 pm Free time
1 pm – 4 pm Creative projects. The projects, depending on your background and experience, may include administrative work, teaching English to the monks, conducting yoga classes or healing therapies, social media, and public relations projects.
4 pm - 6 pm Free time
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Dhamma chanting (optional)
7:15 pm - 8:30 pm Evening meditation (optional)
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm Dhamma talk (optional)
The specifics of your schedule will be discussed upon your arrival.
Samui International Meditation Center is a center of learning of the Dhamma of the Lord Buddha. Therefore, its residents, including the volunteers, are required to abide by Buddhism’s eight precepts.
You will be provided with a basic fanned bungalow-style room with shared bathroom facilities. Hot water is available in select bathrooms. There is Wi-Fi available in common areas.